Thursday, July 14, 2011

Significance Of Sign-Leo

Significance Of Sign - Leo  


Leo is the fifth sign of the Zodiac, it is known as the Lion. It's symbol represents a lion's tail. The Lion legend concerns the sign Leo which is ruled by the Sun. In the Constellation Leo is the Star Regulus - a first magnitude Star. (i.e. one of the brightest in the sky) It also is called the Royal Star or the Lion's Heart because it is located where the Lion's heart would be in the constellation. The ancient astronomers regarded Regulus as one of the four cornerstones of the heavens. The other three were Antares in the Constellation Scorpio, Fomalhaut in the Constellation Pisces, and Aldebaran in the Constellation Taurus. The Royal Star got its name as a result of one of the victories of Hercules who had been sent by his domineering cousin Eurystheus to slay the lion which ravaged the village of Nemea. After a spectacular battle, with no other weapons than his bare hands, Hercules strangled the raging beast. With the carcass slung over his broad back, Hercules returned to Mycenae. Not only was this heroic deed proclaimed publicly, but Jupiter immortalized this memorable event by placing the Lion in the sky where it shines proudly in the Constellation named in its honor.


Leo is sometimes referred to as symbolic of the nine months of gestation. If we count the signs counter clockwise beginning with Leo as number one we come to the first sign Aries, the sign of new life - beginning of spring. It is, therefore, the sign of love affairs between man and women, the sign of children and young people in general. It is creative, the angle of personal joys; the entertainment world, personal adornment and attraction. The Sun usually enters this sign on July 23rd. Leo is a sign of the Fire element, fixed quality, maternal trinity. Some keywords are compassion, courage and assurance. (Before proceeding please go back to Lesson III and review the basic characteristics of Leo.) In nature, this sign is masculine or positive, active, expressionable, and dominant. Some favorable qualities are: kind, courageous, altruistic, just, forgiving. Some unfavorable: impulsive, misunderstood, sometimes egotistical. It is powerful, jovial and reciprocal.


In employment, he generally succeeds in any line paralleling the affairs of the birth sign, or the interests of the house in which the sun appears in his horoscope. In alliances, such as business, fraternal and marriage, he gets along with those born under his own sign or one that is opposite, trine to it or sextile: Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Aries, Gemini. Again the Sun-Moon relationship has proven to be excellent for marriages. Decanate division shows that those born when the Sun was in the first decanate (ten degrees) of Leo have qualities of rulership, fiery love, and the desire to dominate others, extremes of pleasure whether in love or asceticism. Those of the second decanate; reformation, a convincing leader, given to ruthless onslaughts against his enemies, clear vision as to weaknesses in politics and religion. Third decanate; ambition, a determination to rise in life at the sacrifice of anything or anybody.


The essential dignities and debilities of the Sun, the ruler of Leo, are: Dignities - it governs Leo and is exalted in Aries; debilities - it is in its detriment when in Aquarius and its fall when in Libra. In mundane astrology, Leo rules the entire entertainment world, in all creative arts, true romance, all affairs affecting young people, especially children. Leo is the second fire sign and the second fixed sign. The first fixed sign was Taurus. The first fire sign was Aries. Leo is the most determined of the fire signs. The first fire sign, Aries, is cardinal, and therefore, changeable. The third fire sign is Sagittarius, which is mutable, amendable, adaptable. It is not stubbornly determined to reach the goal; the fixed sign Leo is. Aries is the bonfire of the fire signs. Leo is the consolidated fire of the furnace. Sagittarius is the log fire. There are three ways of expressing enthusiasm: The bonfire that rallies or arouses starting you off with enthusiasm for a new idea (Aries); the fire that the rallier started, consolidated (within the furnace) into a determined idea, pinned down, fixed until the idea becomes a reality (Leo); the final fire of the idea (the log fire) can now be put into a book as theory, for practical uses; for example, the textbook that measures ideas, or the philosophy written concerning the forum, the Supreme Court, or the lecture hall of wisdom (Sagittarius). The Leo fires wish more than anything else in the world to excite you with their new loves. Leo rules love and the loved ones. Leo is the lover in love with love. Leo is always in love with something, for Leo is the sign of the heart, youth, amusement, games and speculation. What more lovely way to speculate than with the heart? Since the heart interests are uppermost in the atmosphere of the Leo born, Leo is the most reliable lover and the most constant lover of the romantic fire signs. Debilities of the planets are their detriment and fall. The twelve signs are listed in order, six in this lesson separately by name and six in the next lesson. After each sign the dignities and debilities of the ruling planets are listed. /n order for the student to grasp the complete meaning of the planets in relationship to their sign an understanding of debilities and dignities is essential.


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